Český film: Fact-based film by...

Chillout Zone in Český Film gives you everyday film screenings. As part of the “Fact-based film by...” we shall present true stories told by the most renown directors in the world of cinema, including Steven Soderbergh, Martin Scorsese, Steven Spielberg, Sean Penn, Ridley Scott, Ron Howard, and Curtis Hanson. The Saturday and Sunday festival evenings will be devoted to the memory of one of the greatest actors of the 20th and 21st century, Robin Williams, who recently passed away.

Cesky Film combines a pub with a movie theatre. The visitors can sit in comfortable chairs from a real cinema, and watch various films on the big screen, with good beer in hand, naturally. There are six draught beers in rotation, coming from Czech and Polish microbreweries, in addition to 40 different bottled beers, non-alcoholic beverages, and delicious snacks.


Cesky Film

Aleja Jana Pawła II 3-4
70-413 Szczecin

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