Szczecin European Film Festival 2017: 25.06.2017, Sunday, 13:30
Galeria TWORZĘ SIĘ, pl. Żołnierza Polskiego 2 (where is that?)
Blok tematyczny: SEFF MINI
kids watch: Different corners of the world! - a set of short films
screenings 6+
Why is it worth to travel, see new places and meet different people? Do we only travel when using some means of transport like a plane or a train? Or maybe we also travel when we read a book or watch a film? SEFF MINI invites you for a film trip full of emotions and surprises! Productions awarded at international film festivals, including overseas in Canada, sunny California, and at San Diego Kids International Festival.
Booking. Entry fee: 5 PLN
Jake sits in front of his console day after day and plays, plays, plays. Nothing can get him to step outside. The only thing that will make the boy go out of the house is a present from Jake’s mom – a stubborn, barking present that loves to chase a ball around.
Aston is a master at giving presents. He loves handing gifts to everyone. At long last, he receives gifts himself. Birthday gifts, at that! One of them will prove useful in all manner of circumstances.
Snow has covered the whole town. Nobody knows where the Inuit family suddenly came from. While everybody’s shovelling snow, they’ve already built an igloo and are now quietly fishing through a hole in the ice. And even though no-one speaks a word of their language, and none of them knows any French, they will help one another, just like Simeon and Kuduluk – two new best friends.
A class test. Mirko can’t solve any of the problems because he’s far-sighted. He needs to put on his glasses, but what will the girl at the adjacent desk, the one he likes so much, think of him then? In the simplest of ways, this short feature with no dialogue tells the story of fear of rejection and the need for acceptance.