Tuba Wa Duo

Running time: 1988 | 11' | GER

With texts by Hans-Eckardt Wenzel, who is mainly known as a songwriter, and compositions by Lutz Glandien, the two tubers of the Radio Symphony Orchestra and the Berlin Symphony Orchestra toured the clubs and cabarets of the then shaky GDR. Taking on a dangerous challenge, Plenert and Foth filmed an 11-minute movie on the rooftop opposite the Church of Gethsemane on a weekend in October 1988. As the pre-draft dialogue track contained the word “peace,” the film was not released for distribution until January 1989, when the GDR phrase was replaced with another. Nevertheless, “Tuba Wa Duo” was not displayed once in the remaining 10 months of the existence of the GDR.



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